
摘要:Multiple myeloma ( MM) is a clonal plasma cell malignancy , mainly in elderly people and still incurable at present .In the ear of novel agents and sensitive laboratory exams , the diagnosis and treatment of MM have been significantly improved .Chinese MM guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment were updated every two years according to the progression of international and domestic research and clinical studies.In this version, we updated the response criteria and new combination regimens in newly diagnosed patients.Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance ( MGRS) was added as a new part of differential diagnosis, meanwhile, relapsed/refractory MM patients should be treated as long as possible .

作者:中国医师协会血液科医师分会 中华医学会血液学分会 中国医师协会多发性骨髓瘤专业委员会

作者单位:510080,中山大学附属第一医院血液科 [1]

期刊:《中华内科杂志》2017年56卷11期 866-870页

